Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well this is a cool Photo

This is a photo taken by Gary Parker at the Little People Of America National meeting that took place in Seattle last summer. These are my boys Floyden, Garrett, Elliott, Spencer and myself


julie said...

Oh! what handsome men you have in your life. What a great photo.

Anonymous said...

Great family picture.
On your 'Fairydust' home page, at the bottom when you link to your blog, you need to change it to 'blogspot' instead of 'blogstop' so the link will go thru. Judy

black bear cabin said...

what a nice family portrait! and what a handsome bunch :)
thanks for sharing!

Christina said...

My friends Nancy and Chris were at the convention. They had a great time. I really enjoyed looking at your blog, you do beautiful work. You can see mine at